Configuration mobile11ty
After installation progress , now you need to configure this project. so you can _data folder then edit metadata.json files.
Optional you can download code editor for edit file, so you can download notepad++ for a light size , or you can download visual code studio for complete features.
After download code editor now you can open metadata.json file. now you can change configuration with your needed.
- gsv for google site vertification meta tag
- Title website
- URL link your website
- Language website
- Description website
- Icon Website
- Cover Website for meta twittercard
- Feed
- Section for change website display design
- cover for section cover
- icon for icon cover
- slogan section
- title section
- content section
- Menu for change navbar menu
- menu1 for change display name on menu 1
- menu2 for change display name on menu 2
- menu3 for change display name on menu 3
- menu4 for change display name on menu 4
- icon1 for change icon on menu 1
- icon2 for change icon on menu 2
- icon3 for change icon on menu 3
- icon4 for change icon on menu 4
- url1 for change link on menu 1
- url2 for change link on menu 2
- url3 for change link on menu 3
- url4 for change link on menu 4
Mobile11ty is use ionic mobile framework so you can change icon in here , just copy icon name .
After configuring, we can now create articles, you can open the /posts folder and create a new file in .md file format, or copy and paste an existing article and edit it according to your needs.
- Next: How to install mobile11ty
- Previous: Cloud your eleventy web app